Monday, February 28, 2011

Bulls vs. Heat, which is better?

Here it is, end of February, 2011, and the press keeps talking about the Celtics and Heat, as if its a two way race between them for the Eastern Conference crown. This, even though the Heat is 0-5 against Bulls and Celtics, and the Bulls match the Heat in the loss column following their loss to NY. 

To me though, its even more of a mystery because the Heat are not a team. They are a collection of parts, and the parts are mismatched. For instance, every championship team needs one or two good rebounders. Who are the rebounders on the Heat? A championship team needs power inside. Where is the Heat inside power? Where is the point guard? Where is the bench. 

Now its true, that after you have the All Stars on a team, the other players do not need to be at that level. But, they do need to be at least average.  The Heat supporting cast is not even average. They ARE bad.  A team may not need to score an A in each of the areas listed above, but they better score a B or C on all of them. An F on any one wont cut it. 

You see excellent teams like Boston, LAL, OKC, Dallas, and the Bulls have that balance. In the playoffs, they will design their strategy to take advantage of ANY weakness in the opponent.  A weakness in any area is like having a hole in a dike. All the other strength will not prevent the better team from flooding points through the deficiency. 

Look at the recent Bulls victory over the Heat. The Bulls out-rebounded the Heat. Do you think that was unusual, or do you think the Bulls will out-rebound the Heat by over 10 boards in every game? How can the Heat win with that? In fact, Boston, LAL, Dallas, and Orlando will do that to them, too. How can anyone who knows anything about Bball think that the Heat have any chance in the post-season? 

And that is just looking at rebounding. If we look at power inside, same thing. The centers and PFs of other teams will eat the Heat alive. So, even without a rebounding advantage, the other teams will win. 

My playoff prediction -- the Heat will make it past the first round and lose the second series 4-2

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