Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Major Bulls weakness !!!!

The Bulls have a major weakness that can cause them the championship

If you have been watching the Bulls, you may have noticed it. Deng plays an awful lot of minutes. He has been like an iron man this season. Considering his missed games in previous years, thinking of him as an iron man is causing me some difficulty. 

The Bulls have good back-ups in the other positions. Taj and Omer can back up Boozer. CJ scored over thirty points and the Bulls in the one game that DRose sat out. And DRose can sit for 10 to 15 minutes every game.  Deng has to play 40 minutes a game. And when he does sit, we get two SGs out there - Brewer and Korver typically.

This is not good. The noise right now of getting Rasual Butler does not sound good to me.  The SG by committee is doing pretty good, just look at the combined numbers. If we could get someone that combines the defense of Brewer with the shooting of Korver, that would be great. If not, then using the one with the skill most needed at the time is working pretty well. 

What the Bulls really need badly is a backup for Deng.  He needs to be played only 35 minutes a game. And a backup is needed if or when Deng is hurt.  Taj Gibson has about the same height and weight as Deng, but he is a power forward not a SF.  Taj cannot play the wing. He does not have the foot speed or the shooting range.  So, that won't work.

Scalabrine has the shooting range, but not the footspeed.  He cannot gaurd opposing SFs. LBJ or Paul Pierce, for instance, would eat him alive. 

With no viable backup, the Bulls would lose alot with him out.  They would essentially be without an SF on the floor. Any good team would take full advantage of that, and beat the bulls.

Rasual Butler, as I understand it, is a SG, even though he is 6'7". If he can play SF, then that would be great.  Taj has shown that when key player like Boozer goes down, the team is so good, that just good solid play is all that is needed. 

Can Butler give good solid SF play? I doubt it. Or, he would be listed as a SF, not a SG.  To me that says that he can't defend an SF and prevent him penetrating or shooting. 

An additional thought is that with no back up for Deng, that is very tempting for a dirty player or a dirty team to target Deng to sprain his ankle, or give him a deep bruise.  Remember the dirty play of Rondo in 2009?  It could happen again. 

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